User Roles and Permissions

In your XYPN portal, you can manage and assign different roles to additional members at your firm!

User Roles

Firm Owner

The Firm Owner is the role any solo-RIA member will have, and it will be applied as a default to the first XYPN member who joined the firm. 

The Firm Owner can:

  • Manage billing. The firm owner is usually the member whose bank account is attached to the membership. They are the only person at the firm that can add a new bank account and download past invoices.
  • Manage individual and firm settings. This includes updating personal information on the settings page, the firm's name, website, CRD #, and registration status.
  • Invite new XYPN members to the firm's membership. They can view the My Firm page and add additional members to the firm's membership.
  • Change and update other users' roles.
  • Access the Forums, XYPN Academy, and Knowledge Base, and view and sign up for member benefits.
Firm Manager

The Firm Manager is one step down in permissions from the Firm Owner. They have the same access and permissions as the Firm Owner outside of viewing and managing billing. 

This role is best assigned to any firm partners and anyone you want to have increased control and permissions over the firm.

The Firm Manager can:

  • Manage individual and firm settings. This includes updating personal information on the settings page, the firm's name, website, CRD #, and registration status.
  • Invite new XYPN members to the firm's membership. They can view the My Firm page and add additional members to the firm's membership.
  • Change and update other users' roles.
  • Access the Forums, XYPN Academy, and Knowledge Base, and view and sign up for member benefits.

Firm Member is the default role for any new, added XYPN member to your firm. This is the lowest permission level.

Firm Members can:

  • Update individual settings.

Changing a User Role

You'll need Owner or Manager permissions to update another user's role. 

  1. Navigate to My Firm on the left-hand side navigation. 
  2. Click on the vertical ellipses next to the user you want to manage
  3. Choose Update Advisor.
  4. You'll see a modal/window with a few options. You can edit their name or email if they've updated it here!
  5. To change their user role, click on the dropdown below Role and choose the user role you'd like them to have.
  6. Click Save.

You're done! You've successfully changed a user role for your firm!

Transferring Ownership

If you're the Firm Owner, but someone else wants or needs to manage billing, you can transfer firm ownership to them.

This will only update the billing account associated with your firm to that member's information and allow that user to access the billing page to update banking information.

To Transfer Firm Ownership:

  1. Go to My Firm on the left-hand side navigation.
  2. Click on the vertical ellipses next to the user to whom you want to transfer ownership.
  3. Click Transfer Ownership.
  4. You'll see another window appear. Click Confirm to transfer ownership to that member.


Questions? If you have any questions, please reach out to the Membership Team at

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