How do I cancel my membership?

Canceling Your XYPN Membership

*Please note that we need you to submit a request to cancel your XYPN membership by the 20th of any given month by 5pm (MST) to be off-boarded at the end of that month.

We're sad to see you go, but we're the first to understand that plans change! You can now request a membership cancellation via the settings of your XYPN Portal.

  • Navigate to your XYPN Portal
  • Click the Gear Icon to access your Settings
  • Scroll to the bottom under Membership Status and click Request Cancellation
  • Complete the request form and submit it by clicking Request Cancellation
  • That's it! We'll be in touch with a cancellation confirmation.

Removing a Firm Member from XYPN

Would you like to remove an advisor from your XYPN membership?

  • Navigate to your XYPN Portal
  • Find "My Firm" on the left-side navigation
  • Click the ellipses next to the advisor's name you wish to remove
  • Answer a few questions, and they'll be on our list to remove!

Please keep in mind you'll need to make this change by EOD of the 20th of the month for them to be removed that same month!


If you have questions about canceling a membership for yourself or a member of your firm, don't hesitate to get in touch with your Member Experience Specialist or reach out to the Member Experience Team here:


Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Yes, but there are a few instances to note:

  • You may need to complete an Initial Registration buy-out if you have yet to meet the terms of the 12-Month Initial Registration Contract you had signed before working with our Compliance Team
  • If you pre-paid for annual membership dues, you will not be reimbursed if you choose to cancel your membership after pre-payment.

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