1099 to XYPN
As tax season approaches, you may find yourself wondering whether you'll need to issue a 1099 form to XYPN. This consideration arises from the financial transactions and partnerships you've engaged in throughout the year. Questions about reporting requirements, thresholds for issuing 1099s, and the specifics of your business relationships with XYPN may prompt you to seek clarity to ensure compliance with IRS regulations.
Do I need to issue a 1099 to XYPN?
No! XYPN has transitioned from an LLC to a corporation and as such, a 1099 form is not required!
How can I receive a copy of XYPN's W-9?
If you need to obtain XYPN's W-9 to verify that we are a corporation, please reach out to membership@xyplanningnetwork.com.