XYPN Launch Sequence

Working through the XYPN Launch Sequence? Attend these group coaching calls with our Executive Business Coaches as you navigate your registration and launch. Calls are held on Wednesdays at noon MT, and while the topics are designed for certain points in your firm journey, you’re welcome to attend the calls as often as you’d like. Head on over to the Member Calendar to register!

Call Schedule

In four live coaching calls, members connect with their peers and cover essentials the coaches have handpicked from the Launch Sequence, including: 

Registration: Designed to assist you as you get ready to submit your ADV

  • Your Client Avatar and Managing Your Time & Energy 
  • Service Model & Fees
  • Sign up for the Registration calls here

Launch: We’ll keep you focused while you await approval

  • Sales, Marketing & Getting Out There
  • Tech Stack | Financial Planning Process 
  • Sign up for the Launch calls here

In the month after your ADV is submitted, we'll invite you to join a 12-week Mastermind group to continue working with peers through the Launch Sequence. These calls can be found on the Member Calendar.

Launch Sequence Recordings 

Click here to access the recordings!


How do I know if I'm ready for the Launch Sequence?

You are ready to attend as soon as you are ready to determine your fees, engagement structure, and ideal client. In short, any time! 

Am I on my own after the coaching calls end?

Absolutely not! After the live calls, when your ADV is approved, you have the option to join a Mastermind Group of launching members where you can continue to interact with other members in the same phase of the firm journey. We also have created a unique space for Launch Sequence folks in the XYPN Member Forums.



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