Where can I find upcoming webinars and events?

Interested in staying updated on all the office hours, webinars, CE opportunities, and more? Stay connected with your Membership Calendar right in the Dashboard of your Member Portal! You'll receive fantastic support from our Business Solution Teams like XYPN Ops or XYPN Books, our Coaches, our tech partners, as well as from other members in our community events! Also, be sure to check out our other virtual and on-demand events, too!

Membership Calendar Tips & Tricks

  • You can find your Events Calendar right from the Dashboard of your Member Portal!
  • Click Open Full Calendar to see what events are coming up soon.
  • Click Monthly to see what's upcoming and plan for future events at the network.
  • Click on any event and you'll find the event location, typically displayed with an active link saying "Register Here!", "Join Here!", "RSVP Here!", and others. From there be sure to register and you'll receive a sign-up confirmation to your inbox in the form of a Zoom link and/or calendar invite!
  • Subscribe to the XYPN Events Calendar so that way you don't miss anything going on at the network! There are instructions on how to subscribe and sync your default calendar with ours!
  • Miss an event? Be sure to check out our recorded webinars in XYPN Academy! Also, you can reach out to membership@xyplanningnetwork.com and our team can check and see if there was a recording that we can pass along to you or confirm when another similar event will be!

On-Demand and Virtual Events

Connect with your community and level up as a financial advisor with these expert and peer-led events delivering front-line insights, proven processes, and real-time solutions.


If you have any questions or need further support about your Membership Calendar or an upcoming webinar or event, please reach out to membership@xyplanningnetwork.com.

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